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Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

Jul 12, 2010

Last day of school ( late post)

It has been almost a month since we declared an official last day of school. Jane is ready to enter the second grade and Elliot will be entering Kindergarten.

Bethany and I had a last day of school party for the kids. Jane recited the Lord's prayer and read a report she wrote on Sacagawea
Elliot who told me over and over that he wasn't going to do anything did end up reciting very fast a poem about his nose.

Sacagawea's name means bird woman
Clark nicknamed her Janey ( guess who liked that fact?)

It doesn't breathe it doesn't smell
it doesn't feel so very well
I am discouraged with my nose
the only thing it does is blows...

Abby and Isaiah recited verses and a poem as well.

We celebrated with Mcdonald's for a treat.

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